The Benefits of RF Valves
Air Release Valves
The original “Anti-Shock” & “Anti-Surge” air release and vacuum break valves for water, sewage, slurry, tailings and effluent pipelines
- Automatic Surge Protection
- No Routine Maintenance
- 10-Year Manufacturer Warranty
- Third-Party Tested
- Can be manufactured to comply with and meet Buy America, American Iron & Steel & Buy American Acts
Pinch Valves
RF VALVE® & aiRFlex® pinch valves use advanced technology along with the highest design standards and construction materials to provide the longest tube life
- Patented No-Stretch Tube Folds
- SMART Valve™ Monitoring System
- Trouble-Free Operation
- Quick Tube Change
- ASME Standard Face-to-Face Dimensions
Knife Gate Valves
For knife gate valves that perform in the most challenging conditions, trust in RF VALVES
- 150 psi CWP (10 bar) Pressure Rating
- Bi-Directional Flow & Shut-Off
- Field Replaceable Elastomer Sleeves
- Open & Closed Indicators
- Pass-through & Sealed Designs